Open Up
I’m so glad that I spoke to you
How else would I have known,
Thoughts that you have told me
Which are all your very own?
You shared just what you think
What makes you laugh or cry,
Some things that make you angry,
That you love, or perhaps let by.
Now we can often pass each other
Without a smile or spoken word,
And that we don’t talk to each other
Is quite frankly so absurd.
We need to share our feelings
And how others may endure.
For in a world of madness
It’s good to know what’s pure.
By listening and talking
We learn some different views,
Like how life can be for others
When before we had no clues.
Now we can often pass each other
Without a smile or spoken word,
And that we don’t talk to each other
Is quite frankly so absurd.
So give a nod, or even smile
Who knows what may pan out?
You may have great times spent
If you end your speaking drought!
A clever start a? 👍 So With that poem, and like many or most of my poems, has a story behind it, but the answer is in that Book 2.
Once again not too much “new news” but there is always something happening in my said Poetry World, and currently I am updating all of my published books with my excellent Web Site Guru, and now my publisher too, (see I even made that rhyme😊) James Harvey, and I have just updated Book 2 as above, then just first book to do.
However, and unusually for me, when re reading those poems that were mostly written in 2014 i suddenly realised that many of them had got a bit overshadowed as my books began to flow. I also felt that they were worth looking at again as well, and perhaps you might? At only £4.99 at the moment, you really cannot go wrong. To that end the next poem is also in Book 2.
All or Something
Life is a feast or famine
And never seems to even out,
Either all the land is flooding
Or we’re suffering a drought.
If you want to catch a bus
You are standing like a dunce,
Past your final waiting time
Then four will come at once!
Luck seems to be the same
You will get every call right,
Then quickly as it changes
You lose everything in sight.
Getting your finances done
Bills paid with money left,
When a run of expenses come
And all at once you are bereft.
Fishermen cast their bait
And the nets are filled tight,
But then there is a long time
With not one single bite.
Life is feast or famine
And never seems to even out,
Either all the world is flooding
Or we’re suffering a drought.
Is it a game that’s played
By angels and mascots creed?
That allows a win sometimes
Before stopping all our greed.
Perhaps it’s our perception
Of what we want to obtain.
But whatever does befall us
We must get back up again!
In other good news following the opening up, I can now again have my stall, (in photos), at Pevensey Market opposite the castle on some Sundays, At least I can get my collecting tin and books that donate to Help for Heroes out again this coming Sunday, 12 to 4pm.
I have also had a couple more recent mentions by the wonderful Lynn Parsons of National Magic FM, who kindly added about my “lovely and moving poetry” Thank Lynn, much appreciated😍
JOKE TIME….. “OH yes, it IS” (but can you all get them? lol
1) I bought a goldfish and the pet shop owner asked if i wanted an aquarium? I replied I don’t care what star sign it is…
2) I’m not sure if I should keep promoting people to judicial posts, but you best be the judge of that?
3) The murder victim had bled everywhere but it seemed the police did not have a clot to go on…
4) Since Lock down I got into habit of drinking brake fluid, but no worry I can stop whenever I like!
Yeeeeeeeees well quick another poem and from my 3rd book …
People Places
People and places from your past
Are no longer there, or the same.
So will make you notice more
The years you couldn’t tame.
People known from distant days
Maybe won’t still be around.
So you must indulge old friends
Before you too run aground.
Places where you knew each stone
Will now soon lose you in a trice,
And even finding a familiar part
Will still make you look twice,
Because memories will play tricks
On what you thought you knew,
And many a place or person now
Seems different from your view.
People known from distant days
Maybe won’t still be around.
So you must indulge old friends
Before you too run aground.
So going back where you’ve been
May not be for the very best,
As these places may disturb you
If they’ve not survived times test.
But people are somewhat different
Always worth a nostalgic greet,
For though they may have changed
It will be good for you to meet,
And share those long-gone times
Where you both ran alongside,
Each other with your experiences
From which you should not hide!
Just a few mentions in passing, with Elaine re-signing, (lol keep that phone safe), Robert “Odd Job Bob” (thanks for quick solving of kitchen area problem), Graham B of Southern P C Services who “cleaned my Techno Problems up”, Rod & Ali The Carberry Boys, thanks for kind words, Scott a (so far) mobile phone change life saver in Welsh Wales, Henry the First (and mum Kelly) who loved the Ted n Beth poem last Blog, maybe next Blog Henry? 🐻🐻 With of course a HUGE Thanks to all else on here I not heard of for a while, OR I’ve forgotten🤡 PLEASE forgive that and give me a contact and get a mention… lol or not?
Seriously “I” and Help for Heroes REALLY appreciate all your interest and support!
I will close soon this “bit earlier” Blog to Open OOOooop”, so the last poem, and as per a Romance ❤️❤️ poem that I know you all Luuuuuuuuuuuuuurvve 😍😍🙏🙏
From my 5th of eight published books comes =
Hypnotic Dance
Everyone has a love song
Or poem deep in their heart,
Maybe you can never sing it
But knowing it is a start,
To begin to seek your dream
Of a love you never found.
So you slowly start to move
Towards that luring sound.
Hypnotic rhythms stealing thoughts
When drawn forward in a trance,
To the person of your desires
Who is wanting you to dance,
And cuddling up so tight
Before kissing that loving face
You now know waits for you,
At that magic, sensual place.
So with bated breath and hope
That was never there before,
You prepare to meet your muse
Of which you’re really sure.
Because this love song tells you
Something great is coming,
And while you wait and tremble
Loves music is now strumming.
Therefore, you sway and wallow
In loves mood that’s oh so deep,
Without the slightest movement
To awake you from your sleep!
All best wishes to everyone then as the world opens up, be safe, healthy, lucky and if you cannot be good, (like me😇?) be very careful…….
As ever The Journey Continues and OPENS UP
From Ted n Beth & Me,
Love, Light, Peace & Sunshine
Laurie xx
All eight of my books :–
Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,
Poet Reveals All (in your world).
Poet Reflects Your World
Poetic Seeds to Fruition
These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 8th and sixth & 7th books, all bigger are still £9.99. and all are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236
I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….
I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- please sign/join up absolutely free.
Wonderfully written poems. They never fail to amuse and surprise me.
OOOooo Thanks Deb for kind comments and support from my very start🤗
I will try hard to continue to amuse and surprise you then 😍 xx
Hi Lady S,
Thanks as ever for your kind words and support. So pleased my poems can aid you at ( hopefully not too many) down times we all have, especially at present.
All Best Regards, L xx